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A New Blueprint for Competing Below the Threshold: The Joint Concept for Integrated Campaigning

Phillip Lohaus is currently a Research Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on special operations forces, the intelligence community, and competitive strategies. He previously served as an intelligence analyst in the Department of Defense. He is the author of a forthcoming book that contrasts the historical and contemporary approaches of the United

Laser-Heated Nanowires Produce Micro-Scale Nuclear Fusion With Record Efficiency

Nuclear fusion, the process that powers our sun, happens when nuclear reactions between light elements produce heavier ones. It’s also happening – at a smaller scale – in a Colorado State University laboratory. Using a compact but powerful laser to heat arrays of ordered nanowires, CSU scientists and collaborators have demonstrated micro-scale nuclear fusion in

Army Takes on Wicked Problems With the Internet of Battlefield Things

The Army’s work on the Internet of Battlefield Things (IoBT) is more than just a way to carve out a catchy name for the proliferation of smartphones, tablets, wearable devices, cameras and embedded devices that take the field with military forces. It also underscores the most important element of having those connected devices–the data collection

Enhancing the Army’s Network to “Fight Tonight”

In recent years, the Army’s information technology modernization has been outpaced by rapid change in the commercial world. U.S. adversaries leverage commercial off-the-shelf technologies, which allow them to gain an advantage over Army mission command systems at a fraction of what it costs the Army to build them. As a result, the service branch recently

Up Close and Personal

Close-In Weapons Systems (CIWS) are effectively the ‘last line of defence’ for naval vessels. CIWS have evolved in recent years as the immediate threats to ships have grown more complex, with new avenues of development in the area for companies and navies alike. These weapons are perhaps best known for providing protection against Anti-Ship Missiles

A Missing Shade of Gray: Political Will and Waging Something Short of War

The legal framework for countering hybrid threats is certainly a significant issue and challenge for liberal democracies to overcome considering hybrid threats come from illiberal (partial democracy, low intensity democracy, empty democracy, or hybrid regime) governments and non-state actors that don”t follow international/domestic laws and norms. If improperly address through the application of political, economic

Commander UNC, CFC, and USFK Perspective on Strategic Environment and Future Critical Capabilities

The diplomatic and economic efforts [of the United Nations Command (UNC), the Republic of Korea (ROK) and United States Combined Forces Command (CFC), and the United States Forces Korea (USFK)] rest on the foundation of a credible, ready military capability. Efforts to maintain a high state of military readiness are coupled with developing and strengthening

GA-EMS to Develop High Energy Density Capacitors for US Navy”s HPM Systems

The US Navy has awarded a new contract to General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems (GA-EMS) for the development of advanced, high energy density capacitors. The deal has been awarded by the navy through the Defense Ordnance Technology Consortium (DOTC) and the capacitors will be used in high-power microwave (HPM) weapon systems. GA-EMS will use advanced technologies

Army”s New Find Lowers Accidental Stockpile Detonation

Scientists at two major national laboratories have demonstrated a new method for testing explosives stored in weapons stockpiles, a step they say will help reduce accidental detonation and ensure the weapons perform as expected.

Weapons with Wi-Fi – the Internet of Battle Things (IoBT)

The grenade didn”t emit smoke or gas, or produce a blinding flash of light. Its purpose? To observe. A long time ago, I spoke to a man working for an Israeli defence company about the strange and curious devices the company had developed, or was developing, for the Israel Defence Forces (IDF). I found one

Scientists Develop First Non-Contact Method of Measuring Internal Stresses for Aerospace and Aircraft Engineering

Composite materials have become an integral part of our lives: they are used in aviation and space technologies, as well as the automobile and mining industries. However, there has been a problem of internal stress assessment with composite material designs since their inception. “Scientists from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) MISIS Center

New Fabric Coating Could Thwart Chemical Weapons, Save Lives

Chemical weapons are nightmarish. In a millisecond, they can kill hundreds, if not thousands. But, in a study published in the ACS journal Chemistry of Materials, scientists report that they have developed a way to adhere a lightweight coating onto fabrics that is capable of neutralizing a subclass of these toxins — those that are