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Humvees Retrofitted With New Safety Upgrades

A portion of Michigan National Guard Humvees have recently been retrofitted with new braking and stability control systems developed by Ricardo Defense Systems. The aim is to reduce fatal rollovers, said a company executive. Ricardo, a Detroit-based subsidiary of global company Ricardo Plc, recently announced the successful completion of a pilot program to retrofit 10

Small Missile, Big Mission

Lockheed Martin has tested a new configuration of its Miniature Hit-to-Kill (MHTK) missile at the White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, Friday, January 26th. The test comprised a controlled flight of the miniature missile to demonstrate the interceptor’s increased agility and to validate the performance of its airframe and electronics. The missile now uses a

Bring Back the Nuclear Tomahawks

In response to continued Russian and North Korean aggressive nuclear posture activities, Admiral (ret) James A. “Sandy” Winnefeld , Distinguished Professor of International Affairs at Georgia Tech’s Sam Nunn School and former Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Commander of U.S. NORTHCOM and NORAD, and Dr. James N. Miller , senior fellow

NRL Improves Optical Efficiency in Nanophotonic Devices

A team of physicists, headed by the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), have demonstrated the means to improve the optical loss characteristics and transmission efficiency of hexagonal boron nitride devices, enabling very small lasers and nanoscale optics. “The applications for this research are considerably broad,” said Dr. Alexander J. Giles, research physicist, NRL Electronics Science

DARPA Planning Responsive Launch Competition

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which has a checkered history of supporting development of new launch vehicles, is planning to start a competition offering prizes for responsive launch systems. The DARPA Launch Challenge won’t be formally announced until April, but Fred Kennedy, director of DARPA’s Tactical Technology Office, said it is part of an

Army Introduces New Night Vision Goggles

The Army is bolstering its night vision capabilities to increase the maneuverability and situational awareness of soldiers by improving upon a legacy system, according to service officials. The third iteration of the enhanced night vision goggles — or ENVG — is slated for fielding between May and June 2018. The goggles will help soldiers operate

First 3-D-Printed Aircraft Component Takes to Skies at FRCSE

Military pilots have to stay cool under pressure, and the first 3D-printed component at Fleet Readiness Center Southeast will help them stay that way. The forearm-length piece of air duct tubing, constructed with a composite material known as Ultum 1085, marked a major step forward for the Navy command that is charged with maintaining, repairing

ATG Pacific Northwest Enhances Anti-Terrorism Readiness With FATS

EVERETT, Wash. – Afloat Training Group Pacific Northwest (ATGPNW) Anti-terrorism (AT) Training Team is conducting annual small arms sustainment training utilizing a Fire Arms Training Simulator (FATS) April 25, 2017 through April 27, 2017. Small arms and crew-served weapon qualification is an essential skill set for ships” anti-terrorism force protection. Acquiring these qualifications require repetitive

Vision for the Future US Fleet II: The Numbers

The Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments (CSBA), a Washington, D.C.-based think tank, has released its new Fleet Architecture Study, which includes recommendations for what kinds of ships should make up the future U.S. Navy fleet, and how it should be organized. CSBA’s report is one of three separate Fleet Architecture studies that were ordered

Army Floats Plan for Autonomous ”Wingmen”

Maj. Mike Dvorak, robotics branch chief at the Army Capabilities Integration Center, wanted to make a point right off the bat during a recent talk. “There is no plan to have autonomous killer robots, or anything like that,” he said at the National Defense Industrial Association’s Robotics Capabilities Conference in March. Just in case anyone

Battelle Wins US DoD Contracts to Support AFRL

Battelle has secured two contracts from the US Department of Defense (DoD) to support the US Air Force Research Laboratory’s (AFRL) Sensors Directorate. Under the Microelectronics and Embedded Systems Assurance (MESA) contracts, worth $23m, the company will help the country keep counterfeit and untrustworthy integrated circuits and embedded systems out of the military supply chain

Air Force Plans Recoverable Hypersonic Drones by 2040

Air Force weapons developers expect to operate hypersonic intelligence, reconnaissance and surveillance drones by the 2040s, once scientific progress with autonomy and propulsion technology matures to a new level. The advent of using a recoverable drone platform able to travel at high altitudes, faster than Mach 5, will follow the emergence of hypersonic weapons likely