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Dahlgren Decon and Decon Green Testing and Efficacy

DSIAC was asked to compile all available research on Dahlgren Decon and Decon Green testing and efficacy against chemical, biological, and radioactive particles to determine the possibility of replacing the currently-used standard decontaminant. DSIAC was…


Library of Spider Silk Could Hold Secrets for New Materials

With two pairs of fine-tipped tweezers and the hands of a surgeon, Cheryl Hayashi began dissecting the body of a silver garden spider under her microscope. In just a few minutes, she found what she was seeking: hundreds of silk glands, the organs spiders use to make their webs. Some looked like mashed potatoes, others

Breakthrough in 3D Printing Cellulose

For centuries, cellulose has formed the basis of the world’s most abundantly printed-on material: paper. Now, thanks to new research at MIT, it may also become an abundant material to print with—potentially providing a renewable, biodegradable alternative to the polymers currently used in 3D printing materials. “Cellulose is the most abundant organic polymer in the

The Tiny Robots Will See You Now

It’s science-fiction-turned-reality: Researchers are developing micro- and nanoscale robots that move freely in the body, communicate with each other, perform jobs, and degrade when their mission is complete. These tiny robots will someday “have a major impact” on disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention, according to a new review in Science Robotics from a top nanoengineering