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A New Electronic Warfare System for the Army Is Getting Closer

The Army is moving into the final phase of bringing its electronic warfare visualization and planning tool to the entire force. The system is a command-and-control planning capability that allows commanders and soldiers to visualize the potential effects of electronic warfare in the field. It also helps chart courses of action to prevent jammed capabilities.

IARPA RFI – Teasing Future Performance from Historical Data

Exploring methods to predict the future performance of critical technologies will require historical data on technologies’ performance over time, ideally over the span of decades. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) believes they may be able to predict the future performance of critical technologies by analyzing developments of their constituent systems and components over

NYPD”s Machine-Learning Software Spots Crime Patterns

The NYPD developed Paternizer software uses a machine learning (ML) based approach to recognize patterns in large databases of activity reports. The techniques developed and lessons learned could prove useful for similar counter-terrorism and military activities. Pattern-recognizing algorithms are helping the New York City Police Department sort through crime data to find relationships among three