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IARPA RFI – Teasing Future Performance from Historical Data

Exploring methods to predict the future performance of critical technologies will require historical data on technologies’ performance over time, ideally over the span of decades. The Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) believes they may be able to predict the future performance of critical technologies by analyzing developments of their constituent systems and components over

The American AI Initiative

President Trump has launched the American AI Initiative directing U.S. Government agencies to make investments in artificial intelligence (AI) research and development (R&D) a priority to ensure America maintains a leadership role in the development of AI and supporting technologies. The initiative contains 10 sections covering: Policy and Principles Objectives Roles and Responsibilities Federal Investment

IBM Launches Commercial Quantum Computing — We’re Not Ready for What Comes Next

IBM recently unveiled what it claimed was the world’s first commercial quantum computer. While the announcement of the Q System One wasn’t scientifically groundbreaking, the fact that IBM sees this as a commercial product that organisations (if not individuals) will want to use is an important breakthrough. IBM has taken a prototype technology that has