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A New Blueprint for Competing Below the Threshold: The Joint Concept for Integrated Campaigning

Phillip Lohaus is currently a Research Fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, where he focuses on special operations forces, the intelligence community, and competitive strategies. He previously served as an intelligence analyst in the Department of Defense. He is the author of a forthcoming book that contrasts the historical and contemporary approaches of the United

The Next Military-Industrial Complex: Global Business and National Security

In the future, the American defense establishment’s engagement with the private sector will vary with the mission. The arms-length procurement requirements of a dedicated industrial base for big-ticket weapon systems are different from the requirements of frenetically paced software development through co-investment. In turn, sovereign “joint venturing” abroad through private enterprise can help solve thorny

The Complexity of Multi-Domain Operations

For the U.S. military to maintain its status as the greatest fighting force in the world, it must continue to learn and understand the multi-domain battlespace and significantly improve its operations across the entire range of military activity. It is widely believed that the U.S. military is exceptional and by far the best in the