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Innolith Claims Energy Dense Battery Tech Breakthrough

As more systems look toward better electricity storage, a harmless, durable, and non-flammable battery could be the way forward, Stuart Nathan reports. We are living in an electric age. Our energy carrier of choice is the zipping electron in a conductor. And this trend is increasing. As we develop more and more systems which rely

Meet “THOR,” the Air Force”s New Drone-Killing Microwave Gun

It”s built to negate swarms of drones,” said Program Manager Amber Anderson. “We want to drop many of them at one time without a single leaker getting through.” U.S. military bases across the globe may soon have a New Mexico-made, high-powered microwave weapon at their disposal to instantaneously down swarms of enemy drones. The U.S.

U.S. Navy Began Testing Advanced Version of Long-Range Electromagnetic Weapon

The U.S. Navy has confirmed that it began testing an advanced version of long-range electromagnetic weapon at White Sands Missile Range (WSMR), NM. The new weapon system is a long-range electromagnetic railgun that fires projectiles using electricity instead of chemical propellants. Last month, the U.S. Navy has reported that engineers and technicians at the Naval