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Future Zero Emission Hydrogen Boilers Could Heat Your Home

In Italy, one business is looking to use hydrogen to help heat properties. The Giacomini Group”s Federico Fioroni told CNBC that the company”s work on hydrogen dates back to the early 2000s, as part of a wider project looking at different sustainable sources of energy. “The aim of the project was to develop a sustainable,

New Material for Splitting Water Could Make Hydrogen Production Cheaper

UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. UNSW chemists have invented a new, cheap catalyst for splitting water with an electrical current to efficiently produce clean hydrogen fuel. The technology is based on the creation of ultrathin slices of porous metal-organic

New Technique Makes Light Metallic Nanofoam

A simple method for manufacturing extremely low-density palladium nanofoams could help advance hydrogen storage technologies, reports a new study from the University of California, Davis. Traditional metallic foam manufacturing techniques may require high temperature, high pressure and controlled chemical environments. The UC Davis-led team instead relies on a wet chemistry approach that is well-suited for