Notable Technical Inquiries (TIs)

Notable Inquiries

Notable TIs are findings and/or summaries of responses to the most recent and impactful technical inquiries submitted by DSIAC members under our 4 free hours of information research support.

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Ceramic Additive Manufacturing for Gas Turbine Engine Blades

What research, development, testing, and evaluation (RDT&E) is being done on ceramic additively manufactured (AM) gas engine turbine blades?

Defeating Passive Infrared Motion Sensors

What methods are there to detect, counter/spoof, and neutralize commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) passive infrared (PIR) motion sensors?

U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Campaign Level Combat Analysis

What simulation and analysis tools are currently used or have been developed by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) for mission and campaign level combat analysis?

Novel/Emerging Technologies for Low-Cost, Mobile, and Rapid Access to Space

What are novel and/or emerging technologies for low-cost, mobile, and rapid small-payload launch access to space?

Radio Frequency Attenuation of Non-Earth Elements

Is there data available on radio frequency (RF) attenuation as a function of frequency for gases, liquids, and solids that are not part of Earth's atmosphere?

Weapon System Integration Cost Analysis

What are typical integration costs for new missile/weapon systems, and how do they compare to integration costs when upgrading existing systems?

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