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Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) for Maritime Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR)
Posted on November 30, 2022 | Completed on December 23, 2021 | By: Taylor H. Knight
What UASs can carry out an autonomous, unmanned, maritime ISR and targeting mission?
Defense Systems Information Analysis Center staff searched open sources and the association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International (AUVSI) database for UASs that met the following vehicle requirements:
- Autonomous mission, en route at >100 kts, landing
- Range: greater than 200 NM with 6-hour loiter and 10% reserve
- Fuel: heavy fuel (HFE) preferred
- Payload: modular payload at 10 cubic feet (5 x 2) at 40 lb
- Day/night operations-basic camera, search and rescue
- Operationally representative launch and recovery
The AUVSI report came up with seven matching systems, which were delivered to the inquirer.
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