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DARPA Invites Next Wave of Electronic Warfare, Sensor Tech

The Pentagon is looking for the next wave in warfighting technologies, inviting industry to offer ideas in key areas, such as dealing with the electromagnetic spectrum and ways to manage the flood of data collected by its growing number of sensors. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is staging a Proposer’s Day Sept. 20 to

Army Defends XM25 “Punisher” Counter Defilade Engagement System

Army weapons officials are planning a late-September response to Pentagon investigators” recent criticisms of the XM25 as the service wrestles with how this high-tech but heavy 25mm airburst weapon will fit into combat formations. In late August, the Pentagon”s Inspector General released a scathing audit of the XM25 program, criticizing the service for repeatedly delaying

Groundbased Midcourse Defense -the Ultimate Smart Weapon

It is the largest, fastest, and most intelligent projectile available to the US Army. Despite this you probably never heard of it nor the Army National Guard Soldiers who “pull the lanyard.” If you think a 155mm howitzer shell is big, the M21 rifle is accurate, the MLRS can fire over a long distance, or

Innovative Lego-like Armor Is Replacing Sandbags

Blast and bullet resistant, giant Lego-like blocks are making the old-fashioned sandbag a thing of the past. For hundreds of years, sandbags have been the standard for rapidly building fortifications— but now there’s a smarter and superior solution. It’s called McCurdy’s Armor. You can use them to build walls, guard posts and more, or even

Russia-Develops-Light Weight Ferrite Fiber EM Shielding

A subsidiary of the Russian Electronics Holding Company (itself a subsidiary of Rostec) has developed a ferrite fiber designed for protecting the electronics of armored vehicles, air defense missile systems and aircraft against enemy electronic warfare (EW) systems, according to the Izvestia daily. According to the holding company’s director general, Igor Kozlov, a unique material,

AFRL Discovering What’s “Bugging” Military Aircraft

WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio (AFNS) — As any aircraft maintainer can attest, corrosion is a major factor affecting the overall health of military aircraft. Anything from changing temperatures to environmental factors can precipitate corrosion. One major contributor, however, is often overlooked — microbes. The Air Force Research Laboratory’s biological materials and processing research team

Argonne Nano Design Works – Using Nanotechnology to Fight Friction and Wear

Diamond and graphene “nanoscrolls” could revolutionize lubrication. Friction and wear are terrible twins that bedevil any machinery with moving parts. Approximately 30 percent of a vehicle engine’s power is sacrificed to frictional loss, and wear is a consistent destroyer of engines and other parts. Argonne scientists have spent decades conducting cutting-edge research in tribology, seeking

U.S. Army Moves to Improve Electronic-Warfare Tactics

The US Army doesn’t need the Russians to jam its electronic equipment when it can do so itself, according to the Army”s Electronic Warfare Division chief. The service is working to refine its electronic warfare (EW) tactics, techniques and procedures (TTP) so there are no surprises on the battlefield when it comes to malfunctioning equipment,

DARPA Invites Next Wave of Electronic Warfare, Sensor Tech

The Pentagon is looking for the next wave in warfighting technologies, inviting industry to offer ideas in key areas, such as dealing with the electromagnetic spectrum and ways to manage the flood of data collected by its growing number of sensors. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is staging a Proposer’s Day Sept. 20 to

New Tech Promises to Boost Electric Vehicle Efficiency, Range

Researchers at North Carolina State University have developed a new type of inverter device with greater efficiency in a smaller, lighter package – which should improve the fuel-efficiency and range of hybrid and electric vehicles. Electric and hybrid vehicles rely on inverters to ensure that enough electricity is conveyed from the battery to the motor

TARDEC, General Motors Partner to Develop Fuel-Cell Vehicle

General Motors and the U.S. Army Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center will reveal a Chevrolet Colorado-based fuel cell electric vehicle in October at the fall meeting of the Association of the United States Army in Washington. The vehicle is being developed under an agreement signed in 2015 between TARDEC and GM. The collaboration

Marines GBAD DE On-the-Move Concept to Pair Laser Weapon with Stinger Missile

The Marine Corps is moving towards a future in which small dispersed units can protect themselves from incoming enemy drones with laser weapons and from missiles and aircraft with Stinger missiles, with both weapons netted into a detection system and mounted atop Humvees, Joint Light Tactical Vehicles and other combat vehicles. Lt. Gen. Robert Walsh,