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SPECIAL REPORT: ARL Director Focused on Top 10 R&D Priorities

This is part 1 of a 2-part special report on Army R&D. The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is zeroed in on key initiatives aimed at giving soldiers an edge on future battlefields against advanced adversaries. There are only 10 efforts that have been deemed essential research programs, ARL Director Philip Perconti noted in an

DARPA’s Mosaic Warfare — Multi Domain Ops, But Faster

WASHINGTON: Just when you thought you understood Multi-Domain Operations (MDO), along comes the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s “Mosaic Warfare.” It’s sort of MDO on steroids: an all-encompassing “force design” — that includes everything from military organization to operational concepts to weapon systems to tactics — to underpin a new U.S. way of war targeted

NASA Wants to Send Nuclear Rockets to the Moon and Mars

Just north of the Tennessee River near Huntsville, AL, there’s a six-story rocket test stand in a small clearing of loblolly pines. It’s here, in a secluded corner of NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center, that the U.S. Army and NASA performed critical tests during the development of the Redstone rocket. In 1958, this rocket became

U.S. to Spend Hundreds of Millions to Replace a $5 Part in Revamped Nuclear Weapons

Concerns about the reliability of commercial-off-the-shelf capacitors, each of which cost just $5, and that the Department of Energy had been planning to use in two future nuclear warhead designs will delay both programs by at least a year and a half and could result in up to a whopping $850 million in additional costs.

The U.S. Army”s Legendary M1 Abrams Tank: RIP or Ready for War?

Back in the 1990s, I recall reading Tom Clancy’s loving paean to the M1 Abrams, Armored Cav, in which he related that the unkillable tank had never been knocked out by hostile fire. The Abrams’ 120-mm cannon effortlessly peeled the turrets off of T-72 tanks in the Gulf War, while Russian anti-tank missiles and 125-mm

U.S. Army Seeks New Ruggedized Displays for Remote Weapon Systems

The U.S. Army Contracting Command has released a draft request for proposals for contractors interested in new functional ruggedized displays for a Common Remotely Operated Weapon Stations. In a recent Federal Opportunities notice, the Army announced plans to modify the M153 Common Remotely Operated Weapon Station (CROWS). United States military operations take place worldwide and

The U.S. Army Combat Capability Development Command’s Road Map to Modernizing Air and Missile Defense

In his fifth article of the series on how the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) is supporting the Army’s six modernization…

U.S. Army Begins Testing New BLADE Counter-Drone System

The U.S. Army has begun testing the newest ballistic, Low-Altitude Drone Enga gement, or BLADE, prototypes mounted on a Mine-Resistant, Ambush-Protected (MRAP) vehicle, according to a recent U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center news release. The BLADE can detect, track, identify, and take down drones with electronic attack, according to the U.S. Army Acquisition Support Center.

U.S. Navy Looks to Replace or Improve F/A-18 Super Hornet”s ATFLIR Targeting Pod

The U.S. Navy is seeking qualified sources that can provide an Electro Optic/Infrared ( EO/IR) air-to-air and air-to-surface targeting pod capability focused on reducing the overall operating and support cost on its Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet strike fighters. According to the post of Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR), “In an effort to enhance sustainment capabilities

Ammo Firm Unveils 6.8mm Cartridge for Army’s Next-Gen Squad Weapon

A Texas-based ammunition company recently unveiled its new 6.8mm cartridge, which the Army will consider for the Next-Generation Squad Weapon (NGSW) effort designed to replace the 5.56mm M4A1 carbine and M249 squad automatic weapon in close-combat units. True Velocity”s 6.8mm composite-cased cartridge will be part of the NGSW auto-rifle, rifle and ammo prototype package being

NEWS FROM ASC: Global Strike Command to Prepare New Force Development Concept

NATIONAL HARBOR, Md. — Air Force Global Strike Command will help modernize the Pentagon’s nuclear command-and-control architecture by creating a new force development concept, according to a senior official. The Pentagon is concerned that peer adversaries such as China and Russia could put today’s systems at risk with anti-satellite weapons, electronic warfare tools, and other

Researcher Calculates Optimal Trajectories to Mars and Mercury for a Spacecraft With Electric Propulsion

RUDN University mathematician has proposed a method for calculating the optimal trajectory of spacecraft with electric propulsion, whose thrust is thousands times less than chemical one has, but it is able to work for years. These motors are best suited for interplanetary missions. Mathematicians calculated the flight parameters of the space probe with such motor