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NASA Spacecraft to Test “Green” Propellant and Propulsion System

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) will test a non-toxic, rosé-coloured fuel and compatible propulsion system in space that could be used for missions to the Moon and other places in the future. The system will be tested for the first time with the Green Propellant Infusion Mission (GPIM), which is set to be

U.S. Army Considers German-Built Armored Combat Vehicle, With U.S. Sensors and Embedded Computing

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Army is pursuing a new armored combat vehicle able to launch attack drones, carry longer-range, tube-launched, optically tracked, wire-guided (TOW) missiles, fire a 50-mm cannon, and operate “optionally-manned” technology, according to initial requirements outlined by service weapons developers. The effort is currently on the fast track; many industry teams are already

Army RFI – Prototype Unmanned Robotic Teleop Combat Vehicle with Automatic Cannon

Army to operate Robotic Combat Vehicle-Medium by teleoperation, autonomous waypoint navigation, or leader-follower, with government-furnished software. U.S. Army unmanned combat vehicle experts are considering an unmanned ground vehicle (UGV) with onboard 20-to-50-millimeter automatic cannon that can fight alongside infantry and destroy enemy armored personnel carriers, trucks, and troops. Officials of the Ground Vehicle Systems Center

DARPA RFP – Extreme Environment Sensors and Instrumentation for Hypersonic Testing and Operations

DARPA”s goal is to develop harsh-environment sensors and instrumentation rugged enough to stand up to the heat, shock, and vibration of hypersonic flight. U.S. military researchers are asking industry to develop flight-control instruments and sensors able to withstand the extreme heat, shock, and vibration of hypersonic missiles and aircraft. Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced

Arianespace Readies for Two New Launchers in Kourou

One year from now, Arianespace is expected to be halfway between the first flights of two new launchers, the clean-sheet-design Ariane 6 and the upgraded Vega C. As if these were not enough to keep the company’s engineers busy, the European space industry is also stepping up studies for reusable successors. The simultaneous advancements, taking

Scientists Develop New Recycling Technology for Heavy Duty Military Batteries

NUST MISIS scientists, together with JSC “Shchelkovo Plant of Secondary Precious Metals,” developed an innovative cascade method for purifying silver from spent batteries used in submarines and military aircraft. Secondary use of pure precious metal from one such battery can help save up to 500 million RUR for creating a new one. In some versions

Aviation, Missile Center Simulator Supports Army Readiness

REDSTONE ARSENAL, Ala. – The U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command Aviation & Missile Center’s Aviation Development Directorate is developing a simulator under the Synergistic Unmanned Manned Intelligent Teaming, or SUMIT, program to enhance situational awareness, provide greater lethality, and improve survivability for the Warfighter. “The SUMIT program is an early step in a new

Army Tests Extended-Range Rockets

The Army recently conducted an extended-range demonstration for the guided multiple launch rocket system, or GMLRS, and two 155-mm cannon artillery precision munitions, according to a service news release. The Army is prioritizing long-range precision fires as part of its strategy to prepare for a future fight against a near-peer competitor. During a limited-range test,

The Navy”s First F-35 Squadron Just Deactivated After 7 Years of Service

EGLIN AFB FL — With gratitude for its seven years at Eglin and enthusiasm for the future in California, the Navy”s first F-35C strike fighter squadron furled its flag in a Thursday morning ceremony. The F-35C is the “carrier variant” version of the F-35 stealth fighter jet, designed specifically to operate from aircraft carriers. “Today,

DOD Seeks to Expand Competition, Innovation in Research

The Defense Department recently began an initiative called the Defense Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. What Is It? DEPSCoR is all about searching underrepresented U.S. “states and territories for researchers with important contributions to [DOD”s] scientific enterprise,” said Bindu Nair, acting director of DOD”s Basic Research Office. “It”s crucial that we build a [DOD]

New Special Operations Undersea, Surface Vehicles on the Horizon

NOTE: This is the first of a three-part series for Special Operations undersea and surface vessels, air delivery platforms, and land mobility platforms. Links to parts two and three are presented at the bottom of the article. On a deserted beach half a world away, Navy SEALs — elite commandos tasked with completing some of

Army Launches xTechSearch 3.0 to Continue Its Search for Next Generation Technology

The Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology (ASA(ALT)) is announcing the third cohort of the Army Expeditionary Technology Search – xTechSearch – to be featured at the Association of the United States Army (AUSA) Annual Meeting in Washington, DC, from 14 to 16 October 2019. xTechSearch will highlight opportunities for small