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Spike ER2 Missile Doubles the Range of Attack Helicopters

Israel’s Rafael Advanced Defense Systems Ltd., is expanding its Spike guided missile family with the introduction of Spike ER2, an extended-range tactical missile the company positions to equip attack helicopters, combat vehicles, and mall boats. The development of the new variant is expected to complete this year. With a new multi-sensor seeker and datalink, the

Better, Faster, Stronger: Building Batteries That Don’t Go Boom

Understanding how lithium reacts to pressure developed from charging and discharging a battery could mean safer, better batteries. There’s an old saying: “You must learn to walk before you learn to run.” Despite such wisdom, numerous industries skip the basics and sign up for marathons instead, including the battery industry. Lithium ion batteries hold incredible

Space-Based Laser Weapons Could Ultimately Take out Missile Threats in Boost Phase

The Pentagon is eyeing space-based laser weapons technology as the ultimate solution to defeat a missile threat in its boost phase of flight, but the Defense Department is not yet at a point where it has determined the best possible solution. “Waiting until an adversary is in midcourse [phase of flight] is giving the adversary

The US Army’s Big Six and the Future of Autonomous Warfare

The US Army’s Big Six modernisation programme is beginning to take shape, with autonomy very much at the fore. But how much artificial intelligence can we expect and what impact will it have on military readiness? The Big Six programme, announced in October 2017, looks to revamp and future-proof armour, artillery, aviation, air and missile

Let It Rain! New Coatings Make Natural Fabrics Waterproof

MIT-developed process could offer nontoxic alternative to environmentally harmful chemicals. Fabrics that resist water are essential for everything from rainwear to military tents, but conventional water-repellent coatings have been shown to persist in the environment and accumulate in our bodies, and so are likely to be phased out for safety reasons. That leaves a big

Let It Rain! New Coatings Make Natural Fabrics Waterproof

MIT-developed process could offer nontoxic alternative to environmentally harmful chemicals. Fabrics that resist water are essential for everything from rainwear to military tents, but conventional water-repellent coatings have been shown to persist in the environment and accumulate in our bodies, and so are likely to be phased out for safety reasons. That leaves a big

The US Army’s Big Six and the Future of Autonomous Warfare

The US Army’s Big Six modernisation programme is beginning to take shape, with autonomy very much at the fore. But how much artificial intelligence can we expect and what impact will it have on military readiness? The Big Six programme, announced in October 2017, looks to revamp and future-proof armour, artillery, aviation, air and missile

White House, Pentagon Detail Shakeup of Space Enterprise

The Defense Department will soon take four major steps toward fulfilling President Donald Trump’s vision for beefing up U.S. space capabilities, with the goal of setting up a new independent branch of the armed forces by 2020, Vice President Mike Pence announced Aug. 9. In June, Trump ordered the Pentagon to immediately begin the work

The Potential For Agile Launch: Industry Touting Flexible Vehicle Models to Better Secure Space Assets

An array of new agile launch capabilities being developed by the commercial sector to send satellites into orbit could provide added resiliency to the U.S. space architecture. Multiple existing and new industry players are developing dedicated small satellite launch vehicles to address growing requirements, according to a recent report by Frost & Sullivan titled, “Small

Elon Musk, Google DeepMind Founders, and Others Sign Pledge to Not Develop Lethal AI Weapon Systems

Artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to play an increasing role in military systems. There is an urgent opportunity and necessity for citizens, policymakers, and leaders to distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable uses of AI. Tech leaders, including Elon Musk and the three co-founders of Google’s AI subsidiary DeepMind, have signed a pledge promising to not

Self-Healing Metal Oxides Could Protect Against Corrosion

Self-healing metal oxides could protect against corrosion. Researchers find an ultrathin layer of aluminum oxide, though solid, can flow like a liquid instead of cracking. Researchers have found that a solid oxide protective coating for metals can, when applied in sufficiently thin layers, deform as if it were a liquid, filling any cracks and gaps

Bad Weather ”Stormbreaker” Bomb Enters Testing

The all-weather precision guided bomb could enter service next year. The U.S. military’s new “Stormbreaker” guided bomb has entered operational testing and could be ready for service as early as next year. The new bomb will allow combat jets to strike moving targets on the ground using sensors capable of seeing through bad weather. In