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Explosive Characterization Testing
DSIAC was tasked with researching and determining the testing methods to develop relative effectiveness factors for various explosives to support a modeling effort. DSIAC contacted authors of the technical manual that lists effectiveness factors of military-grade…
Warhead Explosive Fill
DSIAC staff provided information for the better understanding of the implications of filling a large warhead with ALIMX-101 vs. PBXN-109. A DSIAC energetics subject matter expert (SME) provided a short description of the rationale for…
Munitions Readiness in the Strategic Support Area Continues to Provide Lethality That Wins
ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, IL — The Joint Munitions Command’s (JMC’s) approach to providing munitions readiness from the Strategic Support Area was the focus during the quarterly update with Gen. Gus Perna, Commander, U.S. Army Materiel…
Total Force Approach Increases Munitions Readiness
ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL, Ill. — Moving ammunition is a crucial part of the Joint Munitions Command”s (JMC”s) mission. The Army Reserve and National Guard Soldiers need training opportunities. As part of Total Force Policy, those two goals are combined into partnership training opportunities that build Soldier and unit readiness. JMC is leveraging the Army”s Total
To Fight Drone Swarms, the Corps Wants a Battle Drone That Can Kill Other Drones
Over the past several years, the Corps has been rapidly testing and acquiring systems to take on air threats — a problem that last existed for the Marines during the Cold War. Systems now in the Corps’ air defense arsenal include the Ground/Air Task-Oriented Radar, which can detect cruise missiles, air threats, and a host