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Foreign Object Debris Monitoring & Cleaning Autonomous Systems

The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) was asked to identify technologies to identify technologies that can detect foreign object debris (FOD) entering jet engine inlets or impacting jet engine turbine blades, as well as…


Army General to Lead New Pentagon Unit to Counter Drone Strikes on the Battlefield

WASHINGTON — U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Sean Gainey will lead a new 60-person team for the Defense Department to develop new methods to counter drone strikes, which are increasing on the battlefields of the Middle East and Afghanistan, Pentagon officials announced earlier this week. “The idea is to take all of the effort in terms

Artillery Marines’ New Radar Brings the Distance on the Battlefield

G/ATOR, an expeditionary, three-dimensional medium-range radar system, is being developed and fielded in three blocks that will support the Marine Air-Ground Task Force across the range of its capabilities. Block 1—which began fielding a year ago—provides air defense and surveillance capabilities; Block 2 supports MAGTF counter-fire and counterbattery missions; and Block 4—a future iteration—will provide

Army RFI – Industry Survey for Affordable SWaP-C Radar to Help Protect Combat Vehicles from Enemy Fire

ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND, Md. – U.S. Army researchers are surveying industry for radar technologies to protect armored combat vehicles from enemy weapons, as well as to detect and locate enemy fire. Officials of the U.S. Army Combat Capabilities Development Command (CCDC) at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md., issued a request for information (W56KGU-19-X-0001) on Friday for