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Littoral Combat Ship to Have Unmanned Combat Vehicles to Find and Kill Ocean Mines

WASHINGTON, 5 April 2016. U.S Navy mine warfare experts are strengthening the counter-mine warfare capabilities of the littoral combat ship (LCS) with an order last week for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUV) and munitions that detect, pinpoint, and destroy underwater anti-ship mines. Officials of the Naval Sea Systems Command in Washington placed an $11.2 million order

Deputy Defense Secretary to Help DARPA Christen Anti-Submarine Warfare Vessel

WASHINGTON, April 6, 2016 — Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work this week begins a short trip to Oregon and Washington State in the Pacific Northwest to meet with industry leaders and to discuss work underway for the department. Tomorrow, his first stop will be in Portland, Oregon, to deliver remarks during a Defense Advanced Research

U.S. Special Operations Units Using Faulty Rifle Sights

U.S. Special Operations forces are using rifle sights that are supposed to help shooters accurately hit their targets but instead have a defect, acknowledged by the manufacturer, that potentially endangers the lives of service members in combat, according to court records and military officials. The U.S. government is aware of the problem and sued the

Kevlar or plastic? New armor lighter, provides same protection

Lightweight plastic body armor will replace Kevlar-based protective equipment used by U.S. troops in 2019. The new Torso and Extremities Protection system, which has been undergoing field testing at bases across the U.S., weighs about 23 pounds — 25 percent lighter than gear worn today, said Lt. Col. Kathy Brown, a program manager for Soldier

Multi-Pulse Motor (MPM) Designed for Use with Electric Solid Propellants

The solid rocket motor can be electrically pulsed a number of times to produce a required thrust or impulse bit. The multi-pulse motor is a solid-propellant rocket motor that is able to produce a number of pulses for various thrust levels (5 to 30 pulses and thrusts between 0.25 and 1.5 N, depending on electric

Metal Foam Handles Heat Better Than Steel

A new study from North Carolina State University researchers finds that novel light-weight composite metal foams (CMFs) are significantly more effective at insulating against high heat than the conventional base metals and alloys that they”re made of, such as steel. The finding means the CMF is especially promising for use in storing and transporting nuclear

3D Printing Key To Hypersonic Weapons: Raytheon

ARLINGTON: The race is on to build hypersonic weapons, missiles that blow through a target”s defenses at more than five times the speed of sound. Or should that be “the race to grow hypersonic weapons”? It turns out an unrelated cutting-edge technology, 3D printing, may be the key to making hypersonics work. The whole aerospace

Legacy Components to be Replaced On Newest Apache Aircraft

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. — The Apache attack helicopter is flying into the future with enhanced sensors and a more reliable turret that improves the aircraft”s 40-year-old technology. During a media event at the Association of the U.S. Army”s Institute of Land Warfare Global Force Symposium and Exposition at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville, Ala., on

Supercondenser Stores Heat as Electricity

Researchers at the Laboratory for Organic Electronics at Linköping Universitet, Sweden, have created a supercondenser that can be charged by the sun. It contains no expensive or hazardous materials, has patents pending, and it should be fully possible to manufacture it on an industrial scale. In the future we could have a completely new type

Marine Corps Warfighting Lab Promotes Innovation Across Force

MARINE CORPS BASE QUANTICO, Va. — The Marine Corps wants to be more innovative. Yes, the organization that has a rich history of innovation is trying to strengthen its culture of innovation across the force and not just on the battlefield or in a crisis. Marine Corps leaders recognize that in order to meet the

U-M Opens World-Class Battery Research Lab

Ford and Michigan Economic Development Corp. partner to create open innovation laboratory. ANN ARBOR—The opening of the University of Michigan Energy Institute”s Battery Fabrication and Characterization User Facility, or Battery Lab, today further expands the Midwest”s rapidly growing battery research and manufacturing capabilities. The open-access lab will provide space to build and test battery concepts