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Researchers Boost Efficiency and Stability of Optical Rectennas

The research team that announced the first optical rectenna in 2015 is now reporting a two-fold efficiency improvement in the devices — and a switch to air-stable diode materials. The improvements could allow the rectennas – which convert electromagnetic fields at optical frequencies directly to electrical current – to operate low-power devices such as temperature

AFRL Researchers Push Limits in High-Temperature, Polymer Additive Manufacturing

Researchers at the Air Force Research Laboratory’s Materials and Manufacturing Directorate are “turning up the heat” in the field of polymer additive manufacturing. In conjunction with researchers at NASA’s Glenn Research Center and the University of Louisville, the team successfully printed the highest-temperature capable, reinforced polymer composite parts using additive manufacturing. Consisting of a high

Shodan Indicates Hospitals and Universities Have Many Vulnerable IoT Devices

Increasingly well-connected hospitals and doctors’ offices bring vast security challenges. A new report released Thursday shows that providers are struggling to keep up against hackers, according to cybersecurity company Trend Micro. “As hospitals and other healthcare facilities adopt new technology, add new devices, and embrace new partnerships, patients get better and more efficient services —

Navy Seeking Role in National Hypersonics Initiative

Hypersonics hot topic at recent NDIA 19th Annual Science & Engineering Technology Conference. The Navy is seeking a seat at the table as the U.S. government establishes a national hypersonics initiative to leap ahead of rivals such as China and Russia who are also developing the game-changing technology. “A big push we have right now

GAO Technology Assessment: Artificial Intelligence – Emerging Opportunities, Challenges, and Implications

Government Accounting Office (GAO) releases technology assessment report, GAO-18-142SP, March 2018, to the House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space…

Touchy Nanotubes Work Better When Clean

Carbon nanotubes bound for electronics need to be as clean as possible to maximize their utility in next-generation nanoscale devices, and scientists at Rice and Swansea universities have found a way to remove contaminants from the nanotubes. Rice chemist Andrew Barron, also a professor at Swansea in the United Kingdom, and his team have figured

Marines Release Specifications for New Mega-Drone

The Marine Corps is a step closer to getting a large unmanned aircraft that can launch from ships, fly a radius of up to 700 nautical miles with a full payload, escort the MV-22 Osprey and other platforms, network with other manned platforms, and provide offensive air support, including targeting and strike. This incredible unmanned

Marines Size Up Laser Weapons

U.S. Marine Corps operations are demanding. Weapons need to be ruggedized and mobile for quick assaults. And high-energy laser weapons such as those the Navy is developing will be large and draw high levels of power. For the Marines to be able to employ these laser weapons, the technologies must be as efficient and as

SpaceX’s Falcon Heavy Rocket May Mean Big Savings for DoD

SpaceX’s successful static firing of its Falcon Heavy rocket Wednesday in preparation for the rocket’s expected maiden flight next month is important for the Department of Defense and the intelligence community. Why? It could lead to big savings. Today, United Launch Alliance, a joint venture between Lockheed Martin and Boeing, has a tight grip on

New Corrosion Evaluation System Makes “Sense” for Air Force

As next-generation material development drives advances in Air Force technology, understanding the ability of new materials to perform in the operational environment is paramount to transition success. This is particularly important to scientists working to develop new, high performance Air Force coating technologies that meet strict environmental compliance needs in diverse operational conditions. Through a

Warships Set to Make Waves With Powerful Lasers

The U.S. Navy is accelerating efforts to place the weapon systems on guided missile destroyers. The U.S. Navy has identified laser weapons as an urgent capability need, and after many years of development, it is moving rapidly to deploy advanced laser capabilities in the near term to the fleet. The Navy is pursuing the highest-powered

Study Boosts Hope for Cheaper Fuel Cells

Rice researchers show how to optimize nanomaterials for fuel-cell cathodes. Nitrogen-doped carbon nanotubes or modified graphene nanoribbons may be suitable replacements for platinum for fast oxygen reduction, the key reaction in fuel cells that transform chemical energy into electricity, according to Rice University researchers. The findings are from computer simulations by Rice scientists who set