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Targeted Audio Messaging Technologies

What laser, ultrasonic, or similar technologies exist or are in development that can project an audio message to a targeted person or group without a receiver?  DSIAC was tasked with researching technologies and research and development projects that can…


Three-Dimensional (3D)-Printed Suppressors Designed to Work on Machine Guns

GOODSPRINGS, Nevada — The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) militaries are testing a new line of suppressors using a superalloy and a patented 3D-printed design that works on automatic weapons. The most challenging task for a suppressor is to work on machine guns, said David Strong, vice president for business development at Delta P Design

Weapons Upgrade Set to Make US Special Operations Even More Deadly

U.S. Special Operations are a remarkable, formidable fighting force who are admired and feared throughout the world. Now, the military’s elite warriors are set to become even more deadly with a new addition to their arsenal. About $48 million-worth of new, cutting-edge suppressors will be in the hands of America’s top military personnel, enhancing their

DARPA”s GXV-T Program Demonstrates Advanced Vehicle Survivability Technologies

The DARPA Tactical Technology Office Ground X-Vehicles Technology (GXV-T) program aims to enhance vehicle survivability without up-armoring the vehicle. Demonstrations show progress on disruptive technologies for traveling quickly over varied terrain and improving situational awareness and ease of operation​. For the past 100 years of mechanized warfare, protection for ground-based armored fighting vehicles and their