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Weapon System Integration Cost Analysis

  The Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) was tasked with supplying data and analysis of typical platform integration costs for a missile/weapon system, to compare the potential cost of a new weapon versus that…

Fire Control and Launch Systems of Missiles

Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) subject matter expert (SME) personnel responded to a request for research to provide technical information and documentation for various missile systems. Literature searches were conducted on both DTIC’s public and restricted release…

Shortages and Risks to the U.S. Energetic Materials Supply Chain

  Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) staff conducted research on the U.S. energetic materials supply chain and provided links to a Government Accounting Office report that describes what the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)…


Navy Strategy Fast-Tracks New Weapons for “Offensive” Attack

Arlington, Va.- Senior Navy leaders say the service is fast-tracking a handful of key emerging weapons systems such as new destroyers, Tomahawk missiles, lasers and hypersonics as part of a new “offensive attack” maritime combat strategy. “Today we are moving to the offensive. We are already moving out on an increase in lethality,” Vice. Adm.

The Air Force Wants to Unleash a Robotic “Golden Horde” on Adversaries

Golden Horde is designed to incorporate to the Air Force’s three most urgent technologies: precision-guided weapons, artificial intelligence, and communications networking. Precision-guided weapons, united by secure communications links and endowed with artificial intelligence, would be launched en masse at the enemy, with missiles aimed at preplanned targets. If a target is assigned three incoming missiles

Swarm Hell: Can the U.S. Army Stop Hundreds of Drones Armed With Explosives?

(Washington, DC) They can form swarms of hundreds of mini, precision-guided explosives, overwhelm radar, or simply blanket an area with targeting sensors. They can paint or light up air, ground or sea targets for enemy fighters, missiles, or armored vehicles, massively increasing warzone vulnerability. They can instantly emerge from behind mountains to fire missiles at