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Configurable Analog Chip Computes with 1,000 Times Less Power than Digital

Researchers have built and demonstrated a novel configurable computing device that uses a thousand times less electrical power – and can be built up to a hundred times smaller – than comparable digital floating-gate configurable devices currently in use. The new device, called the Field-Programmable Analog Array (FPAA) System-On-Chip (SoC), uses analog technology supported by

DoD Presses On in Pursuit of Laser Weapons

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. – Developing directed energy to be used as laser weapons on a variety of platforms has been a huge priority for the Defense Department. It”s fortunate therefore that technology has reached a point where lasers aren’t just a cool, futuristic concept but will be vital in future military operations and war. Military officials,

Russia”s Next Military Game Changer: Microwave Weapons?

Russia will arm its sixth-generation combat drones with microwave weapons. These weapons, which disable an aircraft’s electronic equipment, already exist today “and can hit targets within a radius of tens of kilometers,” said Vladimir Mikheev, a director of state-owned Russian electronics firm KRET, in an interview with TASS. However, Mikheev suggested that microwave weapons can

U.S. Army Unveils Robotics, Autonomous Systems Strategy

The Army wants to gradually bring more autonomy, artificial intelligence and common control of unmanned systems into soldier formations over the course of 25 years, moving from having to keep constant vigilance over robotic systems to relationships where the unmanned move alongside a warfighter on a mission, much like a hunter and his bird dog.

NASA Proves Out Beyond Line-of-Sight sUAS Operations

Blazing a trail for safely integrating drones into the national airspace, a team from NASA’s Ames Research Center on Oct. 19 flew four uncrewed aircraft–commonly called drones—at Reno-Stead Airport in Reno, Nevada. The “out of sight” tests, led by NASA in coordination with the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration and several partners, were the latest waypoint

Army Accelerates Active Protection Systems Technology

The Army is fast-tracking an emerging technology for Abrams tanks designed to give combat vehicles an opportunity identify, track and destroy approaching enemy rocket-propelled grenades in a matter of milliseconds, service officials said. Called Active Protection Systems, or APS, the technology uses sensors and radar, computer processing, fire control technology and interceptors to find, target

Glock Woos Marine and Army Spec Ops. Is DoD Next?

U.S. Marine special operations forces recently chose the Glock 19 as their official sidearm, but this isn”t the first time elite units have invested in the Austrian pistol maker. The U.S. Army”s 75th Ranger Regiment decided to pure-fleet its battalions with the Glock 19 in September 2015, according to an Army source familiar with the

Increasing Infantry Overmatch with Advanced Shoulder Fired Weapons

SAAB Company announced yesterday at the AUSA convention it is studying adding enhanced, precision-engagement capability for its shoulder-fired weapons. The Massive Overmatch Assault Round (MOAR) study is part the US Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA’s) Broad Agency initiative seeking ‘Innovative Systems for Military Missions.’ DARPA’s MOAR project explores new ways to increase the combat

Air Force Tasked with Developing New Battle Management Networks

The Air Force must help develop new battle management networks and operating concepts as the Pentagon seeks to stay ahead of advanced adversaries, Deputy Secretary of Defense Bob Work said Sept. 21. The ability to coordinate the operations of autonomous systems and other cutting-edge platforms and capabilities will be critical for warfighting and executing the

Developing Suitable Wearable Electronics for the Warfighter

Reliable power, information overload, size and weight, and interpreting old-fashioned infantry hand signals top research priorities for digitizing the warfighter. The first recorded war took place between Sumer and Elam in Mesopotamia in 2700 BC, but archaeological evidence shows a history of violent mass conflict for more than 12,000 years, about the time humans began

AI and Machine Learning Enable Tactical Cognitive EW for the Soldier

With this hand-held cogintive EW device, a soldier can see where enemy signals are coming from presented on a virtual plane. This morning, BAE revealed a “lightweight, handheld tactical sensor” for cognitive electronic warfare. Developed for DARPA, the sensor is designed for soldiers and marines to carry into battle, where it will identify and classify

SOCOM Mobile App Gives Commanders Front Row Battlefield View

The concept sounds relatively simple: A team of special operations troops sees an area of interest, and aims their smartphones. Then software magically produces instant GPS coordinates of where the operators are looking, giving commanders the option to strike the target or watch a live-stream of events from their command center. It’s the type of