DSIAC holistically researched and analyzed Marine Corps Installations East training venues as they related to 2nd MAW aviation training requirements through 2030, as well as existing and planned training range, OLF, and airspace technology capabilities that adversely impact readiness. DSIAC then preformed a gap analysis of the 2nd MAW training requirements compared with the existing and planning training range, OLF, and capabilities. The results of the gap analysis were used to identify possible solution sets to correct deficiencies and estimate the feasibility, time for completion, and cost of each. DSIAC provided 2nd MAW with practical advice for implementing campaign plan objectives through 2030 regarding operational technical capabilities and readiness.
The 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (MAW) Training Range, Outlying [Air]Field (OLF), and Airspace Technical Requirements Analysis
POSTED: September 1, 2015
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