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High-Power Microwave Directed Energy Weapons: A Model and Simulation Toolbox

INTRODUCTION With continued advances in high-power radio frequency (HPRF)/microwave (HPM) directed energy weapon (DEW) technology, HPM DEWs are of increasing…

Blast Data Visualization Part 1: Generating 2D Graphs with Python

PYTHON: SLITHERING REPTILE OR POWERFUL VISUALIZATION TOOL? Human tendency is to avoid or even fear what we don’t understand. All…

Aircraft Engine Exhaust Plume Phenomenology Modeling Improvements for Better HITL Scene Generation & Missile Endgame Performance

BACKGROUND Various Department of Defense (DoD) modeling and simulation (M&S) groups perform digital and hardware-in-the-loop (HITL) threat missile flyout and…

Director’s Welcome

We are pleased to introduce the Defense Systems Information Analysis Center (DSIAC) and the inaugural issue of the quarterly DSIAC Journal….

Lightening the Load for the Modern Marine

INTRODUCTION Dismounted U.S. Marines perform some of the most physically demanding missions, often requiring extensive situational awareness, overwhelming firepower, and…

Scanning Underwater with Smaller Lidars and UAVs

Bathymetric lidars, which are devices that employ powerful lasers to scan beneath the water’s surface, are used today primarily to…

The History, Trends, and Future of Infrared Technology

Introduction Infrared (IR) technology has undergone a remarkable transformation over the last century.  Rooted in 19th and 20th century developments in photometry,…

TurboPK – An All-Inclusive, Ultra-Fast Vulnerability and Lethality Endgame Code

Introduction Parallel processing divides large problems into smaller problems that can be run simultaneously on multiple processors. Although the technique…

HIVE: An Integrating Environment for Simulation and Analysis

Introduction A decade of organic growth and adoption has given rise to a modern platform for simulation development, integration, and…

Modeling Intelligence Ped With FOCUS: A Tactical-Level ISR Simulation

Introduction The increase in the use of  intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR) systems over the past decade has created a…

Safety Hazards in the Energetics Laboratory

Introduction During the research and development (R&D) of new and novel energetic materials, researchers face a myriad of technical and…

Hypervelocity Projectiles: A Technology Assessment

Introduction Long-range, gun-launched, high-velocity and hypervelocity projectile (HVP) technologies are highly desired as potential cost-effective solutions for force protection and…