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Manufacturing at the Point of Need Using Recycled, Reclaimed, and/or Indigenous Materials

INTRODUCTION The ability to manufacture at the point of need in austere environments is a very important concept for the…

Characterizing Cyber Intelligence as an All-Source Intelligence Product

INTRODUCTION Gathering overt and covert information and its analysis and evaluation to produce an intelligence product is critical for assessing…

To Use or Not to Use Mobile Robots

INTRODUCTION The modern world surrounds us with the products of artificial intelligence (AI) research. These AI systems mainly work behind…

Testing Gas-Turbine Aircraft Engines

INTRODUCTION Gas-turbine aircraft engines, such as those used in nearly all modern aircraft (fighters, attack, helicopters, and transports), must be…

Detecting Bullets Through Electric Fields

INTRODUCTION Imagine detecting a passing bullet and its origination through an electric field (E-field) instead of an acoustic one. This…

Cyber-Physical Command-Guided Swarm

OVERVIEW The Department of the Navy (DON) 30-Year Research and Development (R&D) Plan (distribution D), approved in January 2017, projects…

How the Military UAV Community Can Learn from the Commercial Drone World (and Vice Versa)

INTRODUCTION The commercial unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) marketplace is large and growing. Estimates of its worldwide size vary: a typical…

Power Generation and Storage for Directed Energy Systems

INTRODUCTION For many years, antiship missiles have represented an ongoing threat to U.S. military operators, as well as a challenge…

ACES: Developments in Corrosion Prediction, Testing, and Validation

Because military assets of the past, present, and future remain in use for decades after their initial production, corrosion will…

American “Astrologistics”

INTRODUCTION When addressing the National Space Council on June 18, 2018, President Trump made clear his spacefaring vision for America…

DEW Countermeasures: A Notional Example of Hardening a System Against HPMs

INTRODUCTION Directed energy weapons (DEW)— which include high-energy lasers (HELs), high-power radio-frequency (RF)/ microwaves (HPMs), and particle beam weapons—pose a…

Additive Manufacturing in the DoD

INTRODUCTION The global advancements in additive manufacturing (AM) are far reaching. From a U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) perspective, all…