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Graphene: A Miracle Material With Promising Military Applications

Though the name might not be familiar to many, graphene has been heralded as a “miracle material,” the application of…

Overcoming the Barriers to Human-Machine Teams

INTRODUCTION One of the inescapable features of the modern technical landscape is the ubiquity with which human-machine interactions occur. In…

Fire Risks with Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites

SUMMARY Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composites have a wide range of use in military applications, including portable shelters, aircraft structures, ship…

Radio Frequency, Directed Energy Weapon Design Tool

INTRODUCTION High-power microwave (HPM), radio frequency (RF), directed energy weapons (DEWs) provide the Warfighter with several advantages over conventional kinetic…

Computational and Experimental Characterization of an Improvised, Explosively Formed Penetrator

INTRODUCTION Improvised explosive devices (IEDs) have proven to be highly lethal tools frequently used in asymmetric warfare.  This has been…

Investigating Friction Stir Welding in Aluminum Hull Structures

BACKGROUND The military has shown an increased interest in developing lightweight technology solutions for current and future platforms.  A large portion…

Additively Manufactured, Solvent-Loaded AP Composite Propellant – Printer Parameter Optimization

INTRODUCTION The benefit of additive manufacturing is being realized in industries where custom parts can be made when traditional manufacturing…

A Titanium-Based Igniter System for Hand-Grenade Fuzes

SUMMARY The A-1A and titanium/potassium perchlorate (TPP) igniter compositions have been used in hand grenade fuzes for many years.  However, producing…

Additive Manufacturing for Aerospace Maintenance and Sustainment

INTRODUCTION Additive manufacturing (AM) is causing a fundamental manufacturing paradigm shift that is changing how aircraft are now maintained and…

Microdiode Lasers: A Safer Alternative for Electrically-Fired Energetic Devices

INTRODUCTION The world has seen a spiraling increase in electromagnetic devices that enhance communications capabilities and place a plethora of information…

Laser Power Beaming

INTRODUCTION Methods of wireless delivery of electric power have been discussed for over a century.  Only in the last decade have…

Sustainable Mobile Electrical Infrastructure

INTRODUCTION Energy is a fundamental enabler of military capability. However, world population growth, increase in developed populations requiring greater demand…