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The MX/Peacekeeper and SICBM: A Search for Survivable Basing

INTRODUCTION During the mid-1960s, the aggressive efforts of the Soviet Union to expand its intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) force, improve…

The JLTV Applies Lessons Learned in Underbody Blast Protection

Introduction The prolific use of the improvised explosive device (IED) in recent years by enemy combatants has forced U.S. combat…

UAS Threats, Solutions, and the Collaboration Imperative

Background Department of Defense (DoD)leadership, academic experts, and industry professionals agree that the threat that unmanned aerial systems (UASs) pose…

Reliability of UAVs and Drones

Introduction Drones and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), such as those pictured in Figure 1, have been the subject of active…

Space Travel Aided by Plasma Thrusters: Past, Present and Future

Introduction Like other contemporary energetic and propulsion technologies, electric propulsion—of which plasma thrusters are a subset—has been around for nearly…

Warfighter Trust in Autonomy

INTRODUCTION In response to rapid advancements in the fields of autonomy, artificial intelligence, and machine learning, the Department of Defense…

Affordable Access to Low Earth Orbit

A NEW VISION The last decade has seen a resurgence of NASA’s bold visions, from returning humans to the moon…

Strain Measurement as a Means of Predictive Life-Cycle Analysis

INTRODUCTION When considering catastrophic failures in structures, one often imagines the worst-case scenario, in which a large force can cause…

Reliability Research for a Maintenance-Free Operation Period

INTRODUCTION Maintenance requirements for the rotorcraft fleet of the U.S. Army are sizable. Specifically, for the fiscal year 2016 budget,…

Breakthroughs in Engine Propulsion Research With High-Performance Computing

INTRODUCTION From the automotive diesel engine to on-board naval power generators to the aircraft jet engines, liquid atomization of hydrocarbon…

Manufacturing at the Point of Need Using Recycled, Reclaimed, and/or Indigenous Materials

INTRODUCTION The ability to manufacture at the point of need in austere environments is a very important concept for the…

Characterizing Cyber Intelligence as an All-Source Intelligence Product

INTRODUCTION Gathering overt and covert information and its analysis and evaluation to produce an intelligence product is critical for assessing…